Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Bath Township
Page 816

JOHN W. HORSTMAN, of the firm of Horstman Bros., merchants, Bath; was born at Matunzas, Bath Township, Muson Co., Ill., April 20, 1842; his father, John R. Horstman, came to America in 1832, locating first in New Orleans, La; in the fall of 1836, he settled in what is now Bath Township, this county; he was born in Hanover, Germany, in 1808, and died Dec. 31. 1860; his wife, Eliza C., was born in 1818 in the same country as her husband; her death occurred May 16, 1863. The subject of this sketch remained on his father's farm until 30 years old, and then removed to a farm near the village of Bath; he engaged in the mercantile business at Bath Jan. 1, 1875, under the firm name of Horstman & Schaaf; in September, 1876, he sold his interest in the store and engaged in milling with R. E. Cameron; he disposed of his interest in the mill the following May, having purchased an interest in the store of his brother, John R., April 2, 1877, since which, the firm has remained as above. He has served as member of the Town Board and as School Trustee each one term. In 1871. he was married to Miss Eliza C. Missman, who wns born in Bath Township, this county; they have one child, John F. Mrs. Horatman's father, Gerhard Missman, came from Hanover, Germany, to America in 1849.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer